Who I Am

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Bonjour! Kamusta ka! Oh I'm guessing you didn't understand. My name is Erik S. The first is hello in french and the second is how are you in tagalog. Tagalog is my native language in the Philippines. Yes I am a filipino and I'm proud of it!. I like to play basketball, play videogames, and talk to my close friends. I can be funny, quiet, shy, or hyper. I have my studies in aviation but primarily I want to fly across the world.


Today in History!

I am in AP World History. We learn a lot faster and more things briefly. Today I learned about the British Empire around the 1800's. The British Empire is the largest empire solely due to the fact that they expanded all over the world and had certain areas around the world. They were in the Pacific with the Falkland Islands. They were in Oceania with New Zealand and parts of Australia. They were in Asia with Fuji, Hong Kong, and Singapore. They were in Indian Ocean with India and Malta. They were in Africa with Suez Canal, Uganda, and Kenya. They were in the Americas with the British Guinea (Guyana) and Canada. With such control over the world, I learned that the British had ties to pretty much everything and could effectively contact and control most of their land. They also started global migration which is key to the mixing of cultures and to economies of many different countries. This allowed Britain to become powerful. With influences on all continents, they had the ability to trade within the continent then from there they can send it to Great Britain which boosts the economy. Except for the fact that they lost the America's(YAY!), Britain pretty much had a piece of everything.

Red part of the map was under British control.

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