Who I Am

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Bonjour! Kamusta ka! Oh I'm guessing you didn't understand. My name is Erik S. The first is hello in french and the second is how are you in tagalog. Tagalog is my native language in the Philippines. Yes I am a filipino and I'm proud of it!. I like to play basketball, play videogames, and talk to my close friends. I can be funny, quiet, shy, or hyper. I have my studies in aviation but primarily I want to fly across the world.


Today in Math!

Well today in math I actually listened. I am in Algebra II/Trigonometry and the Chapter we are studying is Analytic Trigonometry or in other terms; using sine, cosine, and tangent (and their inverses) to find functions, and evaluate to find certain terms.
Today we did 7.4 which is using sum and difference formulas of sine, cosine, and tangent to find the exact value of trigonometric functions of specified angles.
The formulas are:
sin(u+v)=sinucosv + cosusinv
sin(u-v)=sinucosv - cosusinv
cos(u+v)=cosucosv - sinusinv
cos(u-v)=cosucosv + sinusinv
tan(u+v)=(tanu + tanv)/(1 - tanutanv)
tan(u-v)=(tanu - tanv)/(1 + tanutanv)
cos75=cos(30 + 45) using the formula cos(u+v)=cosucosv - sinusinv, you input variables u and v
=cos30cos45 - sin30sin45 then find the values of the cosines and sines
=(√3/2)(√2/2)-(1/2)(√2/2) solve terms

To find √3/2 and the other inputs we use the trigonometric table:

And that my friends, is what I learned today.

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