Who I Am

My photo
Bonjour! Kamusta ka! Oh I'm guessing you didn't understand. My name is Erik S. The first is hello in french and the second is how are you in tagalog. Tagalog is my native language in the Philippines. Yes I am a filipino and I'm proud of it!. I like to play basketball, play videogames, and talk to my close friends. I can be funny, quiet, shy, or hyper. I have my studies in aviation but primarily I want to fly across the world.


Chapter 1

I come from a land down under. Just kidding. Here is a bit about me. I was born at a very young and tender age of 0, at a place not too far from here; maybe just about 268 miles or something like that away. My mother and father already bear two special little children of their own. Then on one frightful and eventful midnight they had a surprise. I decided to come out of my mother at 1:18 AM just to check up on things. I was born in a hospital which name I cannot recall, but it was in a California city named West Covina. Where all the asian people are now at. My first few years were very exciting except for the fact I cannot remember. For 2 years I lived in an area called Baldwin Park. After that my 5 year old brother and 10 year old sister introduced themselves. Well not really introduced but for the first time I can remember them. We went to a far place in the desert for vacation and all i remember was GIANT DINOSAURS!! and baby diapers. Not much happened between that point and up til kindergarten. Besides being taken care of by my grandmother and always walking to pick up my big brother from school. I was too smart for preschool. I remember watching BARNEY!! with my mother and playing with legos with my brother. He always said that i had a great imagination and would always tell me to make things whenever i would like to or not. I loved to eat! All day I would help my grandmother and eat. I remember we had difficult conversations because she couldn't understand english well and i couldnt understand tagalog well. One time she cooked french fries and i asked for ketchup and she couldnt understand me. I kept screaming KKKEEETTCCCHHHUUUUPPP, and she would say what do i need to catch up? The only bad part about my little years was that i was unable to pronounce my name properly. I could not say my r's. So whenever my teacher asked what my name was i said EWIK! I'M EWWWIIKK!!

Good Life - Kanye West


Kaaci :] said...

Thank you. :]
I like your Simpsons game. :]

Uhmm, I put a new gadget and chose the HTML one.
Does that make sense?

Sasha said...

nice description of your life.. lol :)


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