Who I Am

My photo
Bonjour! Kamusta ka! Oh I'm guessing you didn't understand. My name is Erik S. The first is hello in french and the second is how are you in tagalog. Tagalog is my native language in the Philippines. Yes I am a filipino and I'm proud of it!. I like to play basketball, play videogames, and talk to my close friends. I can be funny, quiet, shy, or hyper. I have my studies in aviation but primarily I want to fly across the world.



Perspective is the point of view from one person. Everybody has their own point of view or their own opinion about certain objects. That is their perspective. Sometimes many arguements escalate or start from people screaming about their perspective on their view. That's ok if you want to fight about "things". Those fights can all be stopped if everyone understands each perspective. If you take into account someone elses point of view, then you would understand everything. No body understands everybody so nothing gets understood by the perspective of everybody. I believe if perspective is shown to everyone then nothing bad will occur, people will feel hurt and help for other people. But the downside is seeing too many perspectives at once or if the perspective is about a person who is really really not smart.
That is my blog.


Anonymous said...

your totally right

Someone From The Dark said...

Perspective is entirely subject to the bias of whomever's view we choose to view it from. That is an unavoidable truth to the human condition. The simple act of forming a personality gives one biases in every subject. So, no matter what every perspective will be different; find the average and therein lies the true story.

As a side-note, I searched for the mute button on your Millionaire and failed to locate it. :(

Armourcore9brker said...

Perspective is completely arbitrary and is a fact of life that not every perspective can be viewed. Remeber what Valetti taught us on quantum physics and how no one can see all perspectives.

Also just because the majority believes it to be the truth does not make it so. Take, for example, Copernicus. Im not going to go into detail as you should know but that is the same thing.

FINALLY, just right click on the game and unclick the loop button. After about 30 seconds itll shut up.

Alex Padilla said...

very true. i like yo blog :)


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